FFI Capital Campaign
Building Our Global Campus
Capital Campaign
Letter from the Executive Director
Dear Friends,
For the last thirty-five years, Friends Forever International has empowered young leaders to connect, strengthen, and serve communities around the globe by combining their passion to make the world a better place with the skills, experiences, and resources required to do so. In that time, we have had over 1,500 participants from around the world come together for our yearlong leadership programs that involve both work in their homelands and an intense training phase abroad. Every year, the global demand for our programs increases. In years past, we turned away dozens of highly qualified participants annually because FFI did not have campuses to host them…until now.
In the last seven years, we have been able to secure the following properties:
Our Global Headquarters – an office and residential farmhouse on 2.6 acres in beautiful Durham, New Hampshire
Our FFI Center in Annalong – a 70-bed campus with a dormitory, private cottages, conference space, and an industrial kitchen right between Belfast and Dublin on the Irish Sea
Our Diane M. Seagren Rainforest Academy – 30 acres of rainforest on the river down from the Gulf of Honduras.
Our Leonard Seagren Home -a programming and Airbnb historic home and host space located on the water in New Castle, New Hampshire.
These campuses are essential to our growth and stability. They provide us with the opportunity to host international programs all year long and educational events for the local community on three different continents. They also provide us with opportunities to generate revenue to sustain our programming for the next thirty-five years.
A cornerstone of the project will be environmental sustainability as well. For example, at our Global HQ in Durham, we have installed a full array of solar panels and high-efficiency heating and cooling systems in both buildings. Our Belize campus is designed to be completely off the grid as well. We envision these properties as amazing spaces for our programs and that they will inspire all guests to live in a more thoughtful and planet conscious way.
Unlike just about every other capital campaign, the FFI Global Campuses have been extraordinarily inexpensive. The total cost for all six properties and their renovations is well under 2 million dollars. Yet, we still need more than $950,000 to complete the renovations and pay off all the debt.
There are numerous naming opportunities at every level, and we hope you will consider joining the people below in investing in our campus that literally spans the globe. I guarantee you will be amazed by what we have already done with so little. You will not look at any capital campaign again without thinking about what your gift has helped FFI accomplish.
I look forward to having you come to visit soon to see firsthand why we are so excited.
Stephen Martineau
Executive Director
Capital Campaign Sponsors

FFI | Global Headquarters
Durham, NH USA
​Dorothy & Hollis Caswell
Terry & Susie Conner
Jameson & Priscilla French
George Link Jr. Trust
The Stanzler Family
Shirley Romney
Ellen Cohen
The Buesing Family
Thomas Haas
Jo Lamprey
Anne Romney & Tim Hayes
Mark R. Harrison
Leslie & David Schwartz
Ivor & Barbara Freeman
Don Desmond
Stephen & Karin Barndollar
Barbara Sweet
Harold T. N. Smith Foundation
Thomas & Patience Chamberlin
Arthur L. Getz Charitable Trust
Bernier Insurance
Basilia Brownell
C&J Bus Lines
The Charles and Marg Clark Family Charitable Fund
Ellen Cohen and Daniel Haber
Dana Romney Memorial Fund
Fanny and Svante Knistrom Foundation
Robert Hickey
Mort Schmidt
Jacqueline Mahoney
Sean & Kirsten Mahoney
Stephen & Amanda Martineau
Leslie McCarthy
Paul & Sandra Montrone
Eric Moore
Portsmouth Rotary Club
Robert Raiche, Jr.
Benjamin Romney
Ken Rush
Craig Strehl
Paul & Lee Vandermark
Yates Electric