Community Organizations
Civic, Community, and Faith Groups
We have 35 years of partnering with community, civic, and faith-based organizations in developing powerful ways to improve our world. Opportunities include engaging your team and congregations with our amazing youth and alumni as a host or a visitor, volunteering on or off-site with us, or for FFI to lead a team-building session for your group, we look forward to hearing from you!

Apply for a Program
FFI now works with community organizations to provide bespoke programs from our course library. We can design one-day team-building and volunteer opportunities as well as months-long leadership and cultural competence building programs that include a trip to Northern Ireland, Belize, Israel, or Cyprus.

Program Engagement
We’d be happy to get together and have a conversation about how to combine your organization’s mission and expertise to design a meaningful experience for our young people and your members. Some examples include:
Host team for a service project
Host a team for dinner
Host FFI alumni as a speaker or workshop facilitator
What We Can Do For You
Alternatively, our teams can volunteer for you! Past service includes:
Picking produce with NH Gleans
Doing art projects with residents at RiverWoods
Sorting donations with the Red Cross
Cooking food for Crossroads
Cleaning enclosures at the Center for Wildlife
If you have a volunteer opportunity, contact our Program Staff, 603.397.5301, or programs@ff.international.

Programs with Open World
Professional Leadership
In partnership with the Open World Leadership Center and FHI 360, FFI has hosted 2 delegations from the Open World Leadership Center, a legislative branch agency. The first, in Sept 2018, was a team of youth workers from Ukraine, and the second, in March 2019, was a team of women professionals from Tajikistan.
Before they arrived at the FFI Peace Campus, delegates completed orientation in Washington, D.C. on Capitol Hill and had the opportunity to meet with Congress members.
Once in New Hampshire, delegates collaborated on best practices for their fields. The teams met state political leaders and local community leaders. Additional activities included a tailored version of the FFI Leadership Program.

Sister City Hockey Exchange Program
Boston 2 Belfast
In 2017, FFI was approached by a group from Boston that wanted to bring a team of diverse young hockey players to Belfast, NI, for the Friendship Four Hockey Tournament. Boston and Belfast are "sister cities" and FFI work with local governments and directly recruited participants to develop a meaningful program focused on cross-cultural experiences and hockey!