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FFI | Conversation Series

Learning Together

Bringing the world to NH

FFI hosts monthly education nights at our headquarters in Durham, NH. Our Conversation Series is designed to further engage local community members, informing them of the current state of affairs in the international community, introducing them to local artists and organizations, and more!

Each event is free and open to the general public (Note: space is limited, RSVP!)

Upcoming Conversations

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POSTPONED - The Compassionate Listening Project

Please note the rescheduled date!

After decades of citizen diplomacy to some of the world’s most contentious hotspots, The Compassionate Listening Project undertook its first journey to Alabama in January 2020, followed by a second trip in October 2022. Fellow travelers will join Joel in offering personal reflections of what they learned - about Alabamians and themselves - as they met with people across the political spectrum - from Black civil rights activists to White conservative Republicans. 

Joel Berman is a long-time resident of Concord, NH, who's made multiple trips to Israel-Palestine and Alabama with The Compassionate Listening Project. Joel will be joined by other members of the Project's October 2022 journey to Alabama.

Past Conversations


A Compassionate Listening Journey

Anne Romney (former FFI Board President) presented her Compassionate Listening Journey to Israel and Palestine (this past October) through sharing the personal narratives of people they met. These stories from Israelis and Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza provided insight into the human experience, too often overshadowed by the larger political view of “the conflict.” They represent people who face major challenges daily, and some who find courageous ways to reach across and work with “the other.”


1 Morgan Way, Durham, NH 03824 (USA)
Tax ID: 02-0482213

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©2022 by Friends Forever International.

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