Senior Living Facilities

FFI | Innovation
Building Youth & Senior Connections
FFI has been a pioneer in the field of designing and implementing tailored programs for the residents of Senior Living Facilities across New England since 2010. We deliver impactful leadership programs that integrate our FFI youth participants with seniors in these communities. FFI works closely with both the residents and the staff to create a safe, stimulating environment where these two societally marginalized groups (youth and seniors) can come together with a greater purpose.

Research & Development
Partnering with Tufts Health Plan Foundation
In 2019, FFI began working with Tufts Health Plan Foundation to research and develop a senior course curriculum specifically focused on social isolation. With the developments of 2020, this work is needed to an even greater extent.
We are asking all families, residents, and staff of facilities to take this anonymous survey in order to have all perspectives included.
If you would like to learn more about these initiatives, please contact our Special Projects Coordination, Amelia@ff.international.